Friday 16 September 2011

Julian Opie ........

Ive taken a BTEC level 3 diploma in art & design, in ICT we have been looking at work from Julina Opie, who is an artist who makes his work by using line and block colour, he is mostly know for the way he does his simple artwork, and also for doing the album cover for blur;

    this is the album cover for blur.

We used the work of Julian Opie to influence us to make our own work in the style he uses, so we got a photograph of fruit - because our theme is produce & "Food For Thought" and we used photoshop to make our work. 

This was the photograph i used to create my work.

This isnt my first piece i did, the first one wouldnt upload, and the somehow got lost, but it was much better, i had to do this one on paint so its not very good :)

I have more example's of my work what i have done in the style of Julian Opie

Thursday 15 September 2011

Friedensreich Hundertwasser .....

I recently just did my art and design GCSE, and for my work i used friedensreich hundertwasser as an influence. I like his work because of all the different colours and shapes he uses to create a piece of work. 

This piece of work is called " Beloved Garden "

This was the piece i used to influence my work, it is one of my favourite pieces of his work.
I like the way he had made this by using basic shapes like; circles, squares and triangles.